P 03 520 8558

Smokefree Rockquest & Tangata Beats Marlborough Final
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  • Adult: $26.09 each ($23.50 + $2.59 fees)
  • Student: $15.35 each ($14.00 + $1.35 fees)
  • Additional fees may apply



Listed by

ASB Theatre Marlborough


  • Fri 14 Jun 2024, 7:00pm–8:45pm

Marlborough Regional Final of New Zealand's nationwide, live, original music, youth event giving young musicians the opportunity to perform live in a professional setting, in venues from Northland to Southland.

Smokefreerockquest, powered by Rockshop, and Smokefree Tangata Beats aim to motivate young musicians to strive for success, to realise the opportunities available in music careers, and to encourage their peers to support original New Zealand Music.

Not recommended for pre-schoolers.

ASB Theatre Marlborough

2 Hutcheson St, Blenheim

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